Duke OLLI Student Page

[embeddoc url=”https://jonvasu.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Navigating-Uncerntainty-class-4-.pptx” viewer=”microsoft”] [embeddoc url=”https://jonvasu.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/OLLI-Class-3.pptx” viewer=”microsoft”] [embeddoc url=”https://jonvasu.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/OLLI-Class-2.pptx”] [embeddoc url=”https://jonvasu.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Slides-Class-one-for-jonvasu.pptx” viewer=”microsoft”]
Crystal Coast Unity Sunday Service 2-28-16 Jon Seskevich – Compassion In Action Bonus Meditation

A recent Stephen Levine story:


Welcome to Navigating Uncertainty with Jon Seskevich

Thank you for registering for this Navigating Uncertainty course with Duke Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. We really appreciate all the enthusiasm for our special session and it is very exciting. Our Zoom moderator: Penny Cobau-Smith, our OLLI Staff person: Chris McLeod and I all welcome you. 

Here is an outline of our 4 classes. 

Class 1. 

Introduction of speaker, background, mentors and overview of 4 classes. Special Zoom features, connecting with self and others. 

Uncertainty, change and stress management. Viewpoints on health and healing. Introduction to listening skills: Listening without taking on pain video. Mindfulness and loving awareness with uncertainty.

Skill building with cognitive based meditation approach. Successful Duke research done with this technique. 10 min practice. Homework suggestion… 

Class 2.

Review of people’s practice with mantra technique, comments, questions. 10 minute practice. 

Listening skills. Lecture. Questions. Chat discussion, or possible break out rooms. Changes, uncertainties of last year. 

Assertive communication skills.  Times uncertainty can arise; healing with acute or chronic health issues.

Class 3.

Questions about homework practice. Mindfulness, Mind/body medicine and psychological approaches to support homeostasis when one is working with uncertainty. 

Wise living, wise dying. Using death as a wise advisor in living a full life. 

Break out room session. 4 minutes talking and then 4 minutes listening. Post break out return to group.

Class 4.

What brings meaning and hope to life. Exploring spirituality and/or what gives purpose and direction.

Break out room session. 4 minutes talking and then 4 minutes listening. Post break out return to group.

Ram Dass be here now with loving awareness.


Looking forward to meeting with you on the next 4 Tuesdays and if there are any questions or I can be of help, let me know. I worked in Duke Hospital from 1987 till retiring in 2018 and specialized in mind/body medicine and nursing. I presented at OLLI at least a couple times in person. Now though through Zoom technology and Duke University infrastructure I am able to return once again and share with you all. 

All my best wishes, Jon



These are a few of the research projects and publications i have been able to participate in. The first one is on the mantra meditation featured in our class.

Video and information with relaxation technique we will be learning.
This has Fox 50 News Story. Carolina Nursing Rap Song. Postcard from Stephen Levine and death poem I had written and sent to Stephen.


In 1996, Duke Nursing Leadership asked Ram Dass to write a reference letter as i was being nominated for the Norman Cousins Mind/Body Medicine Award.

The letter from Ram Dass giving me my spiritual name.